Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Brock at the sitters...

Brock has been going to mama Isabel's house since he was seven weeks old. The family is from Chile and speaks little to no english. You would think this would be a problem, but surprisingly enough it has not been. I guess it doesn't hurt that one of my spanish speaking friends sends her son there aswell and can translate the harder stuff. But they are just wonderful and have loved Brock like a son. Brock is also fluent in spanish, which is really neat. He generally doesn't speak much spanish at home, but you should hear him roll his r's on some of the words he says. So funny! Starting in September, Brock will begining his days at the Montessori school, but will continue to go to Isabel's when the school is out. We have been blessed to find such sweet and loving people to instill some of the most important things in Brock while at work. He will miss them greatly I am sure, but is ready to dive into the wide world of schooling!
These pictures were off of Isabel's facebook.

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